Presenting a Partner: Outside Media & Knowledge

Living, Teaching, Capturing Acceptance 

In Erasmus+ education and cultural exchange, partnerships are essential. Outside Media & Knowledge from Germany, stands out in this regard, as a firm specializing in content creation, storytelling, and video production. Their unique focus on intercultural inclusion and gender equality makes them a valuable partner in the ERASMUS+ cooperation partnership. Here’s why: 

  1. Emphasis on Diversity and Inclusion

Outside Media & Knowledge is not just about creating videos; they are about empowering diversity and inclusion. They believe in equality and work towards a better world where all humans are truly equal. This aligns perfectly with the ERASMUS+ mission to promote intercultural understanding and cooperation. 

  1. Expertise in Culturally Diverse Groups

The company’s superpower lies in focusing on culturally diverse groups. They understand the nuances of different cultures and create content that resonates with a global audience. This expertise is invaluable in ERASMUS+ projects, where cultural sensitivity and awareness are paramount. 

  1. Innovative Media and Storytelling

Outside Media & Knowledge focuses on written and visual media to help tell stories that shine through to the audience. They specialize in creating compelling content using text, narration, video, photography, and interviews. This creative approach can enhance the visibility and impact of ERASMUS+ initiatives. 

Each piece of content created by Outside Media & Knowledge includes a great level of marketing analysis tailored to specific needs. This strategic approach ensures that the content reaches the right audience, aligning with the ERASMUS+ goal of broadening educational opportunities and connections. 

  1. Training and Knowledge Exchange

The company believes in exchanging knowledge and offers training sessions. They teach, listen, learn, and give back, fostering a collaborative environment that resonates with the ERASMUS+ ethos of lifelong learning and collaboration. 

Outside Media & Knowledge is more than a content creation company; it’s a connector and innovator that aligns with the values and goals of the ERASMUS+ cooperation partnership. Their commitment to diversity, inclusion, creativity, and collaboration makes them an ideal partner for projects aiming to bridge cultural gaps and foster global understanding. In our project, we are happy to leverage their expertise and innovative approach to enhance its initiatives, reach a wider audience, and make a lasting impact on the global educational landscape.

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