The PatENT Project aims to teach young migrants about opportunities that exist around them and ways how they can use these opportunities. We want to raise their awareness of the potential of entrepreneurship and motivate them to consider starting a business. In doing this we believe that we would make a lasting impact not only on individuals but also on overall communities.

This entrepreneurship project for migrants, will be a powerful instrument not only for their employability but for the social inclusion of this target group into the community.

Developing educational approaches to entrepreneurship, and particularly patenting in business among young migrants is the core of this project. Using their vast experience with entrepreneurship education, the project partners are planning to develop new methods to address the needs and constraints of their target group. Patent entrepreneurship will have a particularly important place in the educational tools that will be developed, as an area in which we see a great potential for involving our beneficiaries.

This project will also focus on providing open education and innovative educational materials in youth work. The expected results of this strategic partnership are two-fold. On one hand, partners will develop outputs (Guidebook and Educators Guide) that can be used to provide non-formal education to youth workers and beneficiaries about developing activities for (youth) patent entrepreneurship.