Call for Innovators and Migrant Entrepreneurs: Share Your Journey in Our Documentary

Are you a migrant entrepreneur who has navigated the complex world of patents and innovation? Have you transformed your unique ideas into successful business ventures? Or perhaps you’ve always been interested in patenting, but some circumstances have kept you from realising your dream, for now? If so, we invite you to share your inspiring story in an upcoming documentary, a key part of the PatENT Project – Patent Entrepreneurship for Migrants.

The PatENT Project is not just about fostering entrepreneurship among young migrants; it’s a celebration of stories like yours – stories of resilience, creativity, and success in the face of challenges. Your journey can ignite a spark in others, showing that with determination and the right support, the entrepreneurial dream is within reach.

Why Participate?

  • Inspire Others: Your story has the power to motivate and guide aspiring migrant entrepreneurs.
  • Showcase Innovation: Highlight your innovative ideas and how you navigated the patent process.
  • Global Platform: Gain visibility and recognition on an international stage.
  • Network and Connect: Engage with other entrepreneurs, industry experts, and potential collaborators.

Who Are We Looking For?

  • Migrant entrepreneurs with experience in registering patents.
  • Individuals willing to share their entrepreneurial journey, challenges, and successes.
  • Innovators who have successfully turned their ideas into viable businesses.

What’s the Documentary About?

This documentary is a cornerstone of the PatENT Project, aiming to educate and empower young migrants through real-life success stories. It will feature 42 entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds, each sharing their unique experiences with patents and business creation.

How to Get Involved?

To express your interest, please contact us at, by sending us a message. We’re looking for submissions that outline your entrepreneurial journey, your experience with patents, and how you’ve made an impact in your field.

This is more than a call for participants; it’s an invitation to be at the forefront of a movement that celebrates innovation and diversity in entrepreneurship. Your story could be the catalyst that encourages a new generation of migrant entrepreneurs to take that brave first step.
Join us in this exciting venture and let your story be heard!

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